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Home >  About TOKIWA >  President's Message

President's Message

Tokiwa University-providing the practical learning to make your dreams come true

Tokiwa University is a private university in Mito, Ibaraki, Japan, founded in 1983. It has developed school traditions in response to the needs of the local community, while enjoying a location neighboring the renowned Kairakuen Park. Tokiwa was founded on the mission of “cultivating students’ ability with a sense of diligence and a respect for practical sciences,” and strives to foster the growth of the next generation of creative, caring, and open-minded individuals. The university actively promotes an industry-academia-government triangle collaboration as well as community-based education and research with the aim of growing alongside the local community.

The circumstances surrounding us are rapidly changing. Forces such as globalization, a shrinking and aging population, and an advancing information society have drastically expanded the responsibilities of educational institutions. In order to meet the needs of our present day, we established the Faculty of Management and Administration in 2017, and the Faculty of Nursing in 2018. While we focus on providing a comprehensive, practical curriculum, we continue exploring how to better educate and conduct research such that our students acquire the broad base of knowledge they need in modern society. Moreover, by strengthening our programs aimed at improving English skills and deepening cross-cultural understanding, we expect that students would be capable of thinking on a global scale and leading the next generation.

Universities are places for people to grow. At Tokiwa we will unwaveringly continue to take advantage of our small classes, nurture each student’s individuality, and provide knowledge and opportunities for them to grow. Working together as one, Tokiwa teachers and staff will come together, combining our shared experience and founding principles in order to help our students make their dreams a reality.
Tokiwa University and Tokiwa Junior College
President Keiko Osaki Tomita


Areas of Expertise
Sociology, Demography

Educational Background
Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from Tokyo Women’s Christian University
Master of Arts in Demography from Georgetown University
Doctorate in Sociology from Fordham University

Dr. Keiko Osaki Tomita joined the Population Division at the United Nations Headquarters in 1988. After gaining experience as the Chief of the Social Policy and Population Section at the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), she served as the Assistant Director of the Statistics Division of the United Nations. During her service she held additional positions as a visiting fellow of the Institute for Population and Social Research at Mahidol University in Thailand, and a member of International Advisory Board of population census in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. She continues to serve as a member of the group of experts on international migration statistics at the United Nations. She assumed her present post in April of 2019.