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Home >  About TOKIWA >  Enrollment and Faculty Data

Enrollment and Faculty Data

Enrollment Data

(As of May 1, 2023)

Tokiwa University Graduate School

Graduate School Program Annual admission capacity Actual number of new students Actual total number of enrolled students
Doctoral Program in Human Science 2 0 0
Master's Program in Human Science 10 5 12
Master's Program in Nursing 6 6 12

Tokiwa University

College Department Annual admission capacity Actual number of new students Actual total number of enrolled students
Faculty of Human Science Department of Psychology 90 106 394
Department of Education 66 71 301
Department of Contemporary Social Studies 90 98 411
Department of Communication 70 59 247
Department of Health and Nutrition 80 63 304
Faculty of Management and Administration Department of Management 85 90 365
Department of Law and Administration 75 67 318
Department of Policy Management 85 84 353
Faculty of Nursing Department of Nursing 80 87 335
Total 721 725 3,028

Tokiwa Junior College

Department Annual admission capacity Actual number of new students Actual total number of enrolled students
Department of Career Development and Liberal Arts - - 61
Department of Early Childhood Education and Nurture 120 101 208
Total 120 101 269

Faculty Data

(As of May 1, 2023)

Tokiwa University Graduate School

Full-time faculty 0
Part-time faculty 19

Tokiwa University

Full-time faculty 127
Part-time faculty 52

Tokiwa Junior College

Full-time faculty 20
Part-time faculty 10

※Some faculty belong to more than one of the above institutions, but are not double-counted.