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Home >  About TOKIWA >  Location (Mito area sights and attractions)

Location (Mito area sights and attractions)

Tokiwa University is located in the western part of Mito (population 270,000) , which is approximately 120 km northeast of Tokyo. Mito is the capital of Ibaraki Prefecture and serves as a major center for its political, economic, cultural and transportation services. In the Edo Period, Mito was home to one of the three relatives of the Tokugawa Shogunate. As such, a number of the Tokugawa family’s famous historical and cultural assets and relics are still preserved. Notable among these sightseeing attractions are Kairakuen Park and Kodokan Hall, which was formerly an educational and training center for samurai soldiers of the Mito feudal lords.

① Ramen Renge (らぁめん蓮華)

It is a popular restaurant and is located close to the university.
Some days it is open from 9 am so that you can enjoy ramen for breakfast!
Their No.1 menu is the Shio (salt) ramen.

② Taverna Hamburg (タヴェルナハンバーグ)

They are well known for their super rare steak and hamburg steak, which are 100% Hitachi Wagyu.
If you want to reward yourself with great food, this is the place!

③ Bakery and Café Custard
(ベーカリーカフェ カスタード)

With a vast variety of freshly baked bread and sandwiches, deciding what to buy is always hard!
A popular local bakery with a café space.

④ Groovy (グルービー赤塚店)

No.1 Pasta restaurant in Ibaraki with many chain restaurants across the prefecture.
Sort all your pasta and pizza cravings here with their famous oven-baked pirate spaghetti (featured on TV) and stone oven-baked pizza.

⑤ Pro café (プロカフェ)

This old-fashioned café close to Mito station is loved by locals of all ages.
They have a wide variety of drinks and foods on the menu including their specialty coffee and pancakes.

⑥ Kairakuen (偕楽園)

Known as one of the three most famous gardens in Japan, it’s a must-visit tourist destination of Ibaraki.
The Mito Ume festival held in early spring is the best time to visit!

⑦ Art Tower Mito (水戸芸術館)

Mito's No.1 spot where you can enjoy art, music, and theatre.
Come here when you want to relax and immerse yourself in the arts.

⑧ Excel Mito shopping center (水戸駅ビル エクセル)

Literally attached to the station, this shopping center has you covered from fashion to food.
Keep up with all the trends, and come shop here!

⑨ Saza Coffee (サザコーヒー 水戸駅店)

The coffee shop EVERYONE in Ibaraki knows about.
Originating from Hitachinaka City, they have the best coffee in Japan and have spread their wings to other cities in Ibaraki and Tokyo.
Come try their coffees and cakes to match.

⑩ Adastria Mito Arena (アダストリアみとアリーナ)

An indoor sports facility, which is also home to professional basketball team Ibaraki Robots.

? Lake Senba (千波湖)

A popular recreational spot for Mito citizens, with many of them enjoying running and walking along the path that surrounds the big lake.
There is always something to see and do all year round, from enjoying the cherry blossoms to watching swans in winter.

? K's Denki Stadium Mito (ケーズデンキスタジアム水戸)

Home to Mito Holly Hock FC, this facility can accommodate more than 10,000 people and is also used for track and field events.

But wait, there's more!

? (ラーメン 富次郎 見和店)
You need a BIG appetite to eat here because they have massive pieces of pork, mountains of bean sprouts, and plenty of garlic.
? Kunpu ume mi zuki (薫風 梅み月)
A restaurant where you can fully enjoy the local delicacies that can only be found in Ibaraki. They have an all-you-can-eat Shabu-shabu menu too!
? Milsta (ミルスタ)
Located inside Mito station is a milk stand where you can enjoy a variety of dairy products and beautiful products from across Ibaraki.
? Ramen street (ラーメン街道 水戸駅ビル エクセル内)
Come to 4F (south) to enjoy not just 1 but 3 famous ramen restaurants! They were so popular back in their home prefecture that they have expanded and you can try it here!! (They come from as far as Toyama)
? K’s Crêpe (クレープのお店 K'S)
They have a wide-ranging menu including seasonal crepes, it’s like crepe heaven. They have freshly homemade cream that matches the fruits so well, you’ll be back for more.