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Undergraduate Studies

Home >  Undergraduate Studies >  Tokiwa Junior College >  Department of Early Childhood Education and Nurture

Department of Early Childhood Education and Nurture

Training educators and care providers with practical abilities and a rich sense of humanity. Early childhood education and care is work in which humans raise humans. That is why we develop educators and care providers with a rich sense of humanity, and a high level of knowledge and skill - allowing them to command the respect of children and earn the trust of their parents.

Department Highlights

1. Personal growth through everyday learning

In the process of acquiring the specialized knowledge and skills related to early childhood education and care, our students are equipped with the skills they'll need when they enter the workforce - the vision to see things from multiple perspectives, the capacity to grasp each child's individuality, and the ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with others. Additionally, outside of daily coursework, there are numerous opportunities to participate in various events and volunteer work both on and off campus.

2. Preparing students to thrive in the workplace

In addition to original and detailed coursework created by instructors of each subject, an emphasis is placed on the development of knowledge and skills gained from actually experiencing the world of early childhood development and care through practice work at Tokiwa Kindergarten on campus, as well as kindergartens, nurseries, and child welfare facilities off campus. Additionally, we have an on-site practice nursery room where students can rehearse nursery rhymes on the piano and storybook reading during their free time.

3. Working closely with students from the admission until graduation

Over the course of two years, each student receives individualized instruction from their supervising instructors who look not only at their academic status, but at all aspects of their life including health, lifestyle, and job-hunting efforts. Our professors are committed to supporting their students, ensuring their time as Tokiwa students is fulfilling. As a result, each year 100% of graduates of the Department of Early Childhood Development and Care find employment with childcare facilities upon graduation - many utilizing their licenses and qualifications to work both within and outside of Ibaraki Prefecture.