- 2024定10埖02晩
- 云僥のウクライナ閲y酎屶址が蒙鹿されました
- 2023定10埖19晩
- ウクライナ閲y酎僥伏2繁朕を鞭け秘れました
- 2022定09埖21晩
- ウクライナ閲y酎僥伏を鞭け秘れました
- 2022定06埖10晩
- 晩云?ウクライナ寄僥パスウェイズの栽揖宀氏に歌紗しました
- 鞭秘閲y酎僥伏方此2兆
- 鞭秘附蛍此/督慎搬槻淺藻僥堕俐伏
- 娩I創および綣M┨H住送氏^此|盂
- 綣龝Oの奮銘での1晩2奮┳?櫓の奮M此|盂
- X僥署の屶o此《卓~4嵐
- 屶址豚g此」鉗L4定g僥了函誼を朕峺す栽、恷L4定磯
Support Details
- Number of students accepted此2 persons
- Status此Part-time studentInternational part-time student
- Tuition and Living ExpensesInternational Hall Dormitory此Waived
- Daily meal expenses at dormitory cafeteria Hakurai (breakfast and dinner)此Waived
- Scholarship support此40,000yen every month
- Support period此Up to 4 yearsif seeking a degree、up to 4 ? years
Regarding procedures for acceptance, we have already shared information for the University¨s acceptance system, allowing enrollment through several channels starting with the Immigration Services Agency of Japan, Japanese Association for Ukrainian Studies (part of the International Ukrainian Studies Association), Japan-Ukraine Education Pathways (nationwide platform for the acceptance of displaced students from Ukraine), etc. Should a candidate be selected we will proceed with the selection and admission procedures in accordance with Tokiwa University regulations.
We would like to ask for the cooperation and understanding of the local community, our students, and all related parties of the university regarding our policy for the acceptance evacuee students, the establishment of an on-campus acceptance system, and provision of specific support for future students.
Furthermore, on Tuesday, May 31st 2023, an online symposium titled ^Now, Think about the Crisis in Ukraine, ̄ was hosted by the Tokiwa University Society Safety Measures Association, where many gathered to understand the ongoing situation of Ukraine and participate in an exchange of opinions. For details, please refer to the LINK below:
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
We would like to ask for the cooperation and understanding of the local community, our students, and all related parties of the university regarding our policy for the acceptance evacuee students, the establishment of an on-campus acceptance system, and provision of specific support for future students.
Furthermore, on Tuesday, May 31st 2023, an online symposium titled ^Now, Think about the Crisis in Ukraine, ̄ was hosted by the Tokiwa University Society Safety Measures Association, where many gathered to understand the ongoing situation of Ukraine and participate in an exchange of opinions. For details, please refer to the LINK below:
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
勅鹿勣Application Guidelines
☆Regarding the application documents (form provided) listed in the application guidelines, please contact us by e-mail using the contact address below. We will send them to you at a later date.
おい栽わせ Contact Us
忽H住送Z僥僥センタ` (International Exchange and Language Learning Center)
Tel: 029-232-2828 E-mailintlco@tokiwa.ac.jp
Tel: 029-232-2828 E-mailintlco@tokiwa.ac.jp
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